Ordinance Complaint Form

Ordinance Enforcement Report Form
To file a complaint about a potential Ordinance violation for a property located within the corporate limits of the City of Connersville, Indiana.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name of person reporting the potential violation.
Address of the person reporting the potential violation.
Phone number you can be contacted at. Numbers only please. If you are only putting your email address for contact and not phone, please put all zeroes (0).
Email address you can be contacted at.
Violation Address
Location address of potential violation.
Please check all potential violations that may apply.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach pictures to go with your report.
Note!  Please note that this form is subject to the Access to Public Records Act, and any information provided on this form is part of a public record. Anonymous complaints still require a phone number or an email so that our representatives can follow up with any additional questions they might have.