Animal Shelter

Fayette County animal shelter assists in rehoming pets and helping lost pets get back home. We take every call seriously and respond in a prompt manner to get matters taken care of whether you’re concerned about the loose dog running the streets about to get hit or you are just wanting us to check on the welfare of a pet you feel is being mistreated. Animals are our passion and we will do what we can to take care of the ones in our community.

Dedicated to the welfare of the animals in Fayette County, Indiana. Our kennels are full of loving animals looking for forever homes.

Check us out on Facebook! Our Facebook Page

Please Note: During business hours, animal control officer may have to take a call away from animal shelter, please bear with us and return if no one is there. There will be a sign on the door if that is the case. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Available on Saturday mornings by appointment only.