
About the Health Department

The Health Department provides the following services to the community. Fees may be associated with the service and they are listed below. Please note that the Health Department can only accept checks from local banks. Please call ahead if you have questions about our services.

Services and Schedule of Fees

Certified Birth and Death Certificates

  • Birth Certificates $15.00 each
  • Death Certificates $15.00

Birth Records

Death Records

Septic System Permits

New construction$250.00
Contractor's license (2 year)$100.00

Food Service Permits based on square footage

0 to 3,000 sq ft$60.00
3,001 to 8,000 sq ft$100.00
8,001 and over$250.00
Mobile Food Stand$75.00
Temporary Food Stand$30.00 for 1-5 days
$10 for each day after 5

Nursing Services

Influenza vaccine$28.00 (subject to change)
Hepatitus B vaccine$40.00 per dose (3 dose series)
Pneumonia vaccine$325.00 w/o Insurance
TB testing$20.00
Administrative Fee$20.00 per Injection